What Are the 3 Types of Startup Acquisitions?

You’ll often see headlines in the tech press that a company got acquired. But the deal terms are generally opaque. Did you ever wonder about how acquisitions really work? If so, this article will help get you up to speed.

As a founder, understanding the three primary types of startup acquisitions — team buy, product buy, strategic buy — is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing the value of your startup. Each type offers unique opportunities and challenges, and choosing the right approach can shape the future trajectory of your company.

In this article, we will explore the highlights of each type and offer guidance on how to approach negotiations, due diligence and post-acquisition integration.

If you’re considering an acquisition, you should be working closely with counsel to negotiate and execute the deal. If you’re looking for legal counsel, feel free to reach out to us here.

Team Buy: Unlocking Talent’s Potential

One of the primary reasons companies pursue acquisitions is to rapidly expand their talent pool and acquire key expertise. These acquisitions, known as team buys or acqui-hires, focus on bringing in highly skilled professionals, such as engineers and designers, who can help fuel the company’s growth.

Team acquisitions enable companies to tap into talent they might not be able to attract through traditional hiring processes, typically valued at around $1 million to $3 million per engineering or product/design employee. The acquired team is often reassigned to new areas within the acquiring company, leveraging their expertise to drive innovation and accelerate development efforts.

Product Buy: Filling Gaps and Accelerating Roadmaps

In the ever-changing landscape of technology, companies are always working to fill product gaps and align their offerings with market demands. Product acquisitions serve this purpose by acquiring a specific product or technology that complements or enhances the acquiring company’s portfolio. Valued anywhere from $5 million to $500 million, product acquisitions can bridge gaps in the acquiring company’s product lineup or redirect teams to work on strategic areas outlined in their roadmaps.

The acquired product’s fate varies, depending on the situation. It may continue as a standalone offering; seamlessly integrate with existing products; or be superseded by a new, improved solution developed by the acquiring company. These acquisitions provide companies with a shortcut to expand their product offerings and quickly address customer needs.

Strategic Buy: Unleashing Competitive Advantage

Acquisitions are sometimes motivated by the pursuit of non-reproducible assets that possess significant strategic value. These strategic acquisitions aim to secure a competitive advantage, strengthen market position or unlock new revenue streams. Unlike other types of acquisitions, valuations for strategic buys can reach staggering figures, with some exceeding $20 billion.

Strategic acquisitions involve acquiring assets, networks, or user bases that are difficult to replicate or compete against. By acquiring these capabilities, companies can secure their foothold in the market and position themselves for future growth.

Advice for Startup Founders Considering an Acquisition

Acquisitions are a common exit for startups. Depending on the structure of the deal, they can often become the next chapter of a founder’s life. If you’re a startup founder considering an acquisition, here’s some advice to guide you through the process:

  1. Define Your Acquisition Strategy. Before initiating acquisition discussions, clearly define your strategic objectives. Identify the specific gaps you aim to fill, whether it’s talent, technology, product or market access. Determine which type of acquisition aligns best with your goals: team buy, product buy or strategic buy. Having a well-defined strategy will guide your decision-making process and increase the likelihood of a successful acquisition.
  2. Assess Cultural Fit. When evaluating potential acquiring companies, consider their culture and values. Ensure there is alignment between your startup’s culture and that of the acquiring company. A harmonious cultural fit is crucial for a smooth integration of teams and maximizing the potential of your acquisition. Evaluate their working style, leadership principles and commitment to innovation to ensure compatibility.
  3. Explore Synergies. Examine how your startup’s strengths and assets can complement the acquiring company’s operations. Look for synergies that can create value or competitive advantages. Assess how your product or technology can enhance the acquiring company’s offerings or enable them to enter new markets. Identifying and articulating these synergies will increase the attractiveness of your startup as an acquisition target.
  4. Prepare for Due Diligence. Expect potential acquirers to conduct thorough due diligence on your startup. Prepare by organizing and documenting your intellectual property, financials, contracts and other key assets. Address any legal or compliance concerns in advance to expedite the due diligence process. Being well-prepared will instill confidence in the acquirer and streamline the acquisition process.
  5. Negotiate from a Position of Strength. During acquisition negotiations, remember that your startup holds valuable assets, whether it’s your talented team, innovative technology or market positioning. Leverage this strength to negotiate favorable terms, such as the purchase price, earn-outs or retention agreements for key employees. Engage experienced advisors who can help you navigate the negotiation process and ensure your interests are protected.
  6. Consider Post-Acquisition Integration. Post-acquisition integration is a critical phase where success hinges on effective planning and execution. Develop a comprehensive integration plan that outlines how your startup will merge with the acquiring company. Determine the roles and responsibilities of key employees, assess potential cultural clashes and establish clear communication channels. A well-executed integration plan will help maximize the value of your acquisition and ensure a smooth transition.
  7. Evaluate Long-Term Strategic Fit. While financial considerations are important, also assess the long-term, strategic fit with the acquiring company. Consider how your startup’s vision aligns with the acquirer’s roadmap and growth plans. Evaluate their commitment to innovation, customer-centricity and long-term sustainability. A strategic fit will not only enhance your startup’s prospects but also enable you to contribute meaningfully to the acquirer’s success.


The acquisition process can be complex and challenging, requiring careful planning and execution to ensure success. By following best practices and seeking advice from experienced professionals, startups can maximize the value of their acquisition and achieve their long-term strategic objectives.

Of course, if you do decide to proceed with an acquisition, you’ll want to work with solid legal counsel. If you’re looking for counsel, feel free to reach out to us here.

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